Photo / 小牧寿里 Yoshisato Komaki (w18_01,w18_2)
サイズ : サイズ可変
素材 : ビニールシート、ボール、鏡、スプレー塗料、ものさし、ガラスコップ、木
About the thickness of the other side
size : size free
material : Plastic sheet, ball, mirror, spray, ruler, glass tumbler, wood,
at Sapporo Odori 500m Underground walkway Garelly. Hokkaido
An exhibition by the long and narrow display space in the underpass which connects a station and a station.
Because of the characteristics of a place where the appreciators walk back and forth along the front passage, only the viewpoint of less than 180 degrees is given to them even if a three dimensional object is displayed.
Thus, the appearance of the work is close to a planar object. I thought I would like to utilize the characteristic of a place which goes back and forth between the two dimensions and three dimensions.
Along the glass of exhibition protection, I hung a transparent plastic sheet, stratified space, and arranged an object in the space created in the back, middle, and front.
For this, I considered a sense of distance of what I am seeing, and the thickness of the air which is there.