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サイズ : サイズ可変
素材 : ビニールシート、ボール、鏡、ガラスコップ、ワイヤーメッシュ、木、砂利、植木鉢


Thickness, Distance, Existence
– in the case of Rokko Alpine Botanucal Garden


size : size free
material : Plastic sheet, ball, mirror, grass tumbler, wire mesh net, wood, gravel, the cup for plan seedling,
at Rokko alpine botanical garden, Hyogo

Exhibition in the glass room for managing and growing the plants artificially.
I divided around the middle of the oblong space with the transparent plastic sheets of four layers, and have arranged the objects with strong geometric elements, such as balls, mirrors, glass tumblers, and nets, inside of it.
Since the transparent membrane and each object exhibited inside cause a malfunction of a sense of distance, you feel very far with the thing actually very close to you, or you are made to iterate your glance by a mirror and arrangement.
In this manner, you will be made to think about the distance, thickness of the space, and the existence of the things which are there.

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